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This article was published on June 30th, 2014
The senior members of Thorneycroft’s Clinical negligence team recently attended a conference at the Manchester Hilton discussing the Medico Legal Issues in Spinal Claims.
The speakers were, without exception, truly impressive. Knowledge and experience in abundance but also with regards to their approachability and rather surprisingly their support of what we as lawyers do in the world of clinical Negligence Litigation.
It was Nice to hear Tim Pigott, Consultant Neurosurgeon comment that it was a result of the increase of litigation that the current policies with regards to infection control, were devised.
Another interesting fact which emerged was the various consultants’ concern at the growing number of Firms purporting to be Clinical Negligence Lawyers who in reality were general Personal injury / road traffic lawyers. In some cases not even lawyers! The speakers from this conference said they would not automatically accept instructions from soliciotrs until they had spoken personally to the person handling the case to ensure “they knew what they were doing” (Mr Tim Piggott)
This is so important and something we have been repeatedly commenting upon – the importance of instructing an expert in the field.
Not all injury law is the same, nor are all Lawyers!