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Thorneycroft have a long history of winning public liability, workplace accident and personal injury claims. Our well-respected liability solicitors fight hard to secure millions of pounds in compensation for people injured at work, in public spaces, by defective products or on holiday abroad.
We have an experienced team of specialist solicitors waiting to help. So you can be confident that you’ll get the legal knowledge and experience you need to secure the best possible chance of success.
If a person or organisation is liable for your accident or injury, it means they’re at fault and you may be able to make a compensation claim. There are several different types of liability. For instance, a local council or shop that hasn’t safely maintained roads or surfaces used by the general public could have ‘public liability’ imposed on them. Accidents that occur if you are a visitor on property or land owned by somebody else will fall under ‘occupiers liability.’ Another example is ‘employer liability’; this applies to employers who have failed in their duty of care to keep their staff safe, such as an injury caused by inadequate training, supervision or PPE.
If liability is proved, you’ll be able to receive compensation for your injury and the expenses it’s caused. In addition to physical injuries, you can claim for psychological damage, medical treatment, rehabilitation, lost earnings and related expenses such as travel to medical appointments.
Many types of accidents or injuries could lead to a personal injury claim and the circumstances vary considerably. A claim could result from a workplace accident (even if you are self-employed), a trip on an uneven surface, a faulty good, an accident on a construction site or even something that happens on holiday. Employers’ liability insurance typically covers accidents at work, whereas accidents on public property or business premises have public liability insurance.
The amount of compensation you can claim is usually proportional to the extent of the injury you have sustained. The Judicial College provides some general guidelines on compensation awards; for example, a broken nose might attract £2K, whereas a minor eye injury is more likely to be awarded £5K. An experienced solicitor will calculate the appropriate personal injury compensation figure based on the nature of the injury and its impact on you.
When making a personal injury compensation claim, your solicitor will need to establish that:
At Thorneycroft Solicitors, our expert team offer the highest levels of legal expertise and will advise you on what procedures you need to follow. We understand the process and will also assist you in obtaining evidence to support the claim and identify any long-term effects that may need to be considered.
Our services include:
We will start by gathering evidence to build a case to prove that your accident was the other party’s fault. Your dedicated solicitor will explain what you need to provide because the documents may differ depending on the circumstances of the individual claim, e.g., diagrams, photographs or even a diary of events. We will spend time understanding the details of your accident and usually book you in for a free medical assessment. In some cases, there will be a need for more than one medical report or expert opinion. For example, if your injury requires physiotherapy, you might need to undergo this before getting a medical expert’s final opinion on the overall effect of your injuries.
A straightforward claim can be completed in a matter of months and will probably be settled out of court, while others can take many years. This is why it is essential to find a solicitor who has the knowledge and experience to understand the complexities involved to ensure the best outcome. Our expertise means we can make the whole experience as straightforward and stress-free as possible.
The Thorneycroft team have years of success across all types of personal injury claims cases. We offer a free initial interview to review your specific circumstances and assess the viability of your personal injury claim. If you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, speak to one of our specialist solicitors today for the support and know-how you deserve.