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Purchasing a property is an exciting time but it can also be overwhelming. Many things need to be considered and addressed before you buy a property, including a plethora of paperwork and legal contracts. This blog post will help you understand the legal steps involved with purchasing a property.
Domestic abuse can come in many forms and includes controlling coercive and manipulating behaviour. It is not limited to actual physical abuse but extends to, psychological, sexual, emotional and financial abuse. The new guidance that was set out by the government at the beginning of July will identify the different types of domestic abuse and is a huge step forwards in recognising all domestic abuse victims. The government hope that by doing this, they will raise awareness and understanding about the impact that domestic abuse can have on both the victim and their family.
Going through a divorce is a stressful time for all parties, particularly when there are children involved. It is only natural to want there to be a minimal impact on your children during this time. Keep reading to explore why you should consider a child centred divorce, how to prepare and our tips on how to discuss divorce with your children.
Wearing the correct safety gear is important for vulnerable road users, but particularly for motorcyclists. Riding a motorcycle is one of the greatest feelings you can have and as the good weather continues, motorcyclists across the country are making the most of the summer days.
After a separation, many parents struggle to agree on the best way to care for their child(ren) including where they should live and how often each parent should get to see them. Most of the time these differences in opinions can be resolved amicably. However, in certain situations when a compromise cannot be reached between both parents, it may be necessary to apply for a Child Arrangement Order.